180 aux hydraulic question

I have a 180 massey that when first started picks my john deere moco up great. After 30 minutes its very slow to pick it up. I realize that the aux pump has some wear. I know the intake screen is clean and it has progressively gotten worse. My question is is there any other oil I could use thats a little heavier and wont thin as much that will help to get me through the last few weeks of hay cutting. As soon as the hay is in this tractor is going in my shop for some pretty hefty repairs. I just need to finish limping through this last 50 acres of hay. Thanks in advance.
You can get heavier weight in the W140 ish I suppose, but it will warm up and you will get the same symptoms. Once your tranny is at the top level of the gauge, add another gallon on top to cover all the pipings that might also be sucking air.

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