1855 Diesel Fuel lift pump


New User
I have an older 1855 with the canister filters and the lift pump for the fuel. I seem to be losing prime at times and when actualizing the manual lever at times it seems to be moving fuel and other times seems to do nothing, time to replace?
I have an older 1855 with the canister filters and the lift pump for the fuel. I seem to be losing prime at times and when actualizing the manual lever at times it seems to be moving fuel and other times seems to do nothing, time to replace?
Dave, You may already know this but if the fuel pump arm is on the high point of lobe the manual lever cannot work. You should feel some resistance when using manual lever. Steve.
Sounds like the lift pump diaphragm is bad. Is your oil level a bit higher? You may be getting diesel in the oil. Time for a rebuild or new pump.
If it's bad, I'd remove it and cover the block hole. The Stanadyne/Roosa pump will work fine without that supply pump long as the lines and filters are in good condition, Later engines never used that pump anyway.

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