1865 progress


Thought I would share some progress and pics of the 1865. Have only had time to work on it the last 2 Sundays. Last Sunday my buddy came over and we started by putting on the new frame rail on that I got from a local guy thanks to some help from Dale Kinser. After that we stripped off all the tin work and the radiator. We then drug it into the shop. From there we took off the hydraulic lines that ran to the reservoir and drained the engine oil. 5 gallons of water came out before the oil started flowing. We finished out the day by taking off the intake and exhaust manifolds and popped of the valve covers. The exhaust manifold was packed full of rust flakes that must have come from the muffler as it slowly rusted and fell in. Today I managed the get one of the heads off. I found a broken rocker shaft mount and the cylinders are terribly rusted. It has been rebuilt once before and has 20 over pistons in it. I sure wish someone had thrown a bucket over he exhaust stack when it was parked......

Not many people would have tackled this but good luck with it . Can hardly wait to see it finnished. Would send a few mountain dews if had address lol.
looks like you got a ways to go but progress is progress! Awesome
pictures. I have never understood why people don't put a rain-cap
on their exhaust or at least throw a bucket over it...

Hope you luck out... I'm overhauling an A JD and the pistons were stuck so tight in there I thought the hydraulic jack was going to break them or the chain before they moved...

After getting them out - I think honing the cylinders will be fine to get both of them cleaned up!

This is defiantly on of those tractors that could have been junked and parted out as it had a rough life and has many issues. But when I look at how rare this one is with only 9 made with the bubble nose it makes it worth saving. If I was not a heavy equipment mechanic for a living this would be an overwhelming project to someone. To me though this thing is a piece of cake. It is so simple and all of the nuts and bolts are all standard. Don't need any fancy tools or computers to work on it. And I have had a lot of fun doing it so far. The only thing that does weigh on my mind and worry me a bit is cost. I will probably have a lot wrapped up in it in the end but I think this tractor is worth it!

On another note I see why the #2 rocker shaft is broken. The #2 cylinder has a big chunk broken and pushed in to the water jacket.
Hats off to you. Im glad you are restoring it. I know what you mean about the cost though....but when someone says "Wow...." when your done.. nuff said.

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