1945 UT, She's done - Picture


Here she is after a lot of time and a lot of issues to deal with. I am done with her and looking for the next project!


very nice , do you know the paint code for the wheels, i`m going to start on a U.B soon,and sure need some help as I have never done a MM before thanks

Very nice, for sure!

Is that new reproduction sheet metal? Or was it really that straight to begin with?? !

Great job!
Been around M-M`s for almost 50 yrs. Yours is one of the most correctly painted & decaled one that I`ve seen in a long time . A beautiful looking tractor.
No Howard, that is original sheet metal.

It was for the most part in poor shape, except for the grill. The grill needed very little work. The rest of the sheet metal was a challenge. The fenders were dented, the fuel tank was fair, and the hood was a mess with heat damage around the exhaust that caused the metal to warp and expand. A lot of work went into the sheet metal, for sure.

Sure looks nice
For what it's worth, here's a link for decal placement on the sides

awesome, you've given me inspiration, i have a 1944 utu, needs tlc and was getting worried. may need help finding parts, any info will be appreciated.

Re Paint Codes:

Here are the best paint codes I have been able to find. They are on Bret Green's MM Pullers site.


Is that a UTU or a UTS with a narrow front? The rear centers look like they are non adjustable like a UTS?

Beautiful looking tractor. I have a UTE that I hope to have that shiny someday.


Sharp eyes. It was originally tagged as a UTS. I guess the original owner converted it to a UTU front end and steering. So, I guess it is a bas-tard, but I'm going to go with it as it is.

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