1948 8N Universal Trans/Hydro Fluid

Good afternoon,

I'm new to the forum and still trying to figure out how to navigate and search for the info I need on old posts. Sorry if y'all answered this before. I grew up with a 1953 NAA/Jubilee and a (unknown year) John Deere model H. I just bought my first 8N. I noticed the trans/hydro fluid is low. It came with Coastal Multitrac tractor fluid in a green 5 gal. bucket. I'm wondering if this is the correct stuff. I believe the upgraded part # from Ford/New Holland is multi-G 134 or 134D. It needs to be changed out anyway. I was thinking of using Traveler's Universal Tractor Trans/Hydraulic Fluid from Tractor Supply. Any help in the right direction is greatly appreciated. Thanks all

The first pic below shows the stuff that is in it (green bucket)

The black bucket is the Travelers (what I'd like to use)



This post was edited by Appalachia Native on 09/06/2021 at 02:22 pm.
(quoted from post at 17:16:16 09/06/21) Good afternoon,

I'm new to the forum and still trying to figure out how to navigate and search for the info I need on old posts. Sorry if y'all answered this before. I grew up with a 1953 NAA/Jubilee and a (unknown year) John Deere model H. I just bought my first 8N. I noticed the trans/hydro fluid is low. It came with Coastal Multitrac tractor fluid in a green 5 gal. bucket. I'm wondering if this is the correct stuff. I believe the upgraded part # from Ford/New Holland is multi-G 134 or 134D. It needs to be changed out anyway. I was thinking of using Traveler's Universal Tractor Trans/Hydraulic Fluid from Tractor Supply. Any help in the right direction is greatly appreciated. Thanks all

The first pic below shows the stuff that is in it (green bucket)

The black bucket is the Travelers (what I'd like to use)

This post was edited by Appalachia Native on 09/06/2021 at 02:22 pm.

Either will work fine. I personally use the Traveller.

Any UTF that meets the Ford spec M2C134D will work fine in your N tractor. Just read the label on the container. Both of those are fine.

I use the UTF from TSC year around here in VA.

You will find the UTF to work a lot better below 32* F than 80/90 w oil.

See tips 3 & 4

Do NOT overfill it. If you overfill it, the excess will leak past the wheel seals and get on your brakes.

Unless the sump is totally clean, a dry sump will only take about 4.5 gallons. Remove the lower bolt on the inspection plate, add 4.5 gallons and come back the
next day to see if it is dripping. Remember, it takes a long time for that oil to get back there.
75 Tips
Appreciate the replies and info ya'll. I haven't worked on an N in years.

This post was edited by Appalachia Native on 09/12/2021 at 02:05 pm.

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