1949 TE20 clutch compatibility


New User
Haddam Neck CT
Tag on steering column says "TE 96828", which I believe translates to a 1949 TE20 Z120 tractor. Mice made their way into the bellhousing and wreaked havoc on everything in there. The tractor is is decent shape and appears to be worth the time to repair, but I want to ensure I am ordering the correct parts.

I removed this style pressure plate:
https://www.yesterdaystractors.com/Ferg ... 06882.html
I removed this style disc, solid/unsprung, but with a 1-3/8" input shaft:
https://www.yesterdaystractors.com/Ferg ... 44512.html
The disc I removed it not reusable. The pressure plate might be, but I would prefer not to.

YT doesnt offer an solid center disc with the right input shaft diameter other than the pucked style one, which Id like to avoid for operation smoothness reasons. Id like to use the kit they offer that says it fits my tractor, but the PP looks different:
https://www.yesterdaystractors.com/Ferg ... 26001.html

Thank you!
Since the parts houses list the same kits for both the TO and TE20's, I decided to take a chance on this:
Outside of the unsprung disc, matches that of the YT kit that claims to fit my tractor. It also came with a bunch of other goodies that will be helpful to my rebuild.

Best case scenario is it all bolts up and works as it should. Worst case, Ill have some good parts.
Hello AHenry014, welcome. So you don't think you are being ignored, I for one, didn't respond to your post because I don't know the answer.
Good luck and hopefully it all works.
Not a problem! While I waited for admin approval on my account here, I had the same question cross posted on a fergie-specific forum. I didnt get a response there either. Lets see if my impatience led me down the wrong path, but one; all signs say it fits my tractor, regardless of what I removed. Two, it seems like a no brainer to grab that ebay stash of parts. At worst, the PP doesnt work and I need to source one like the style I removed, or attempt to rebuild it.
Tag on steering column says "TE 96828", which I believe translates to a 1949 TE20 Z120 tractor. Mice made their way into the bellhousing and wreaked havoc on everything in there. The tractor is is decent shape and appears to be worth the time to repair, but I want to ensure I am ordering the correct parts.

I removed this style pressure plate:
https://www.yesterdaystractors.com/Ferg ... 06882.html
I removed this style disc, solid/unsprung, but with a 1-3/8" input shaft:
https://www.yesterdaystractors.com/Ferg ... 44512.html
The disc I removed it not reusable. The pressure plate might be, but I would prefer not to.

YT doesnt offer an solid center disc with the right input shaft diameter other than the pucked style one, which Id like to avoid for operation smoothness reasons. Id like to use the kit they offer that says it fits my tractor, but the PP looks different:
https://www.yesterdaystractors.com/Ferg ... 26001.html

Thank you!
Same clutch for all. Just checked my manual.



  • Duner.jpg
    6.4 MB · Views: 16
Fantastic, thank you again. Now onto ignition weirdness...Looks like I have delco style points, but it appears lucas is what my tractor should have come with. Ill be looking for a distro tag this weekend.

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