1950 GM Diesel Hydra-Power


New User

Have a 1950 with a GM Diesel in it. Just purchased the tractor and it is missing the hydra-power out of it, just has a direct chain coupler drive now. Looking to put a hydra power in it and correct me if I'm
wrong but they are the same for between the 1750, 1850, and 1950. Although, the 1850 and 1950 have different input shafts. What is my best course of action? I've located one out of an 1850 diesel, should I
go with that or try locating an hydra power directly out of an 1950?

If someone does have one that is in working condition I would be interested in talking.

Were these 1950s only equipped with one battery up behind the fuel tank under the cover? Our other 50 series all have two below floor bored.

Any help or information would be greatly appreciated.

My brother has a front-end assist 1950 GM diesel that someone installed an Over/Under, if I was going to go through the work, I would install the O/U.
Why do you suppose the over under was not offered in a 1950 G-M? Does the tractor have fuel tank fenders? Do you farm with the tractor? Send me an e-mail Please,
No on fender tanks; not really farming with it just restoring it. I m pretty sure it was born with a hydra-power just removed at one point for some reason. Would like to put one back in.

Get your serial number and order the build card from the Floyd County Museum if you want to confirm your suspicions. Are any of the decals still present below the dash? On the side of the hood?
You may be right about 17 thru 19 being same I am not sure. What I do know is 1650 2 and 3 speed is definitley smaller. This being said I managed to use a 1650 over under in an 1800 ( requires PTO shaft Mods) but I only have it set up for 75 H.P. or so. I am thinking you have same concern as me with the detroit easily putting out 110 plus H.P. you are going to want a stout hydrapower. I cant imagine Oliver not beefing up the internals for the detroit. I have original hydrapower in my 1900 that I have motor turning well over 3000 RPM, big injectors etc. that I am thinking is in the 160 Horse range. Touch wood it has never bothered the hydrapower. As far as using a over under and cooling rad for same I had no issues mounting cooler in front of rad on the 1800 I put one in. As far as I have read the reason the O/U didnt come in the 1950 GM is because it didnt exist until The GM was replaced with the 1950T. I will have to check on battery placement but I think it would be one under the door on hood, and one under the left floor board. When a cab was involved I would imagine that changed to one under each floor board ?? For me I like the convienence of just one battery up top under the trap door on hood.

Then I'd tend to agree with you. I'd still pay for the build card because everything would be confirmed and they're cool to have.

From my research, MANY parts are the same from a 1750 over/under to a 2-135/2-155 over under. I'm pretty sure all the clutches are the same, and same sprag for low range is used all the way to the 195 workhorse. Input shaft is the same as used on a 2150/2-135. There is absolutely no reason that a 3 speed couldn't be used behind a detroit, except that you will need to make sure exactly which input shaft length you need(if its too short or too long for the pilot bearing). They didn't put them behind the detroit from the factory because they didn't start putting them into ANYTHING until the 1950t came out and no longer used the detroit... I actually saw a 1650 or 1655 with a 3 speed, and a I'm assuming a 3-53 or 4-53 Detroit in a salvage yard a couple years ago. They cut big notches in the frame for the detroit to fit into also. I wish I would have thought to take pictures of it at the time...
I forgot to add, if I did my research correctly, If you took the overdrive housing off and put the one off of a 50/55 series(or turned the end off in a lathe), and turned the end of the output shaft down to the threads shorter, you can actually use a 3 speed from a 2-135. The 2-155 used a bigger case and some heavier internals, but I don't know just how much bigger if it would fit either...

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