1950 Massey Harris 30 Clutch - Inspection plate?


New User
Hi all,
I've got a 1950 MH30 with a stuck clutch. I don't have much details about its history before it came to me about a year ago. Been working on trying to free it using the methods described in the forum, but no luck yet.

My question is about any inspection plates or access to the clutch/flywheel other than pulling the starter? There are no obvious plates or plugs in the bell housing that give access. There is what appears to be some sort of small drain at the bottom, but barely big enough to fit a straw from an aerosol can. I can't tell if the clutch is stuck due to rust or oil from a rear main leak, or a combination of the 2. Not interested in splitting the engine for this fix.

If pulling the starter would be the only practical way to get some sort of access, does pulling the starter give sufficient access to the clutch/flywheel contact?

Tractor is 74 years old at the end of the month (casted birthdate indicates 30 September 1950). The engine runs great and it drives well. Great machine.

Thank you in advance!
Not sure which engine you have, but did you check to see if the whole bottom of the bellhousing unbolts? The reason I ask is because the MH 30 followed the 101 Jr,, they were very similar, and my 1946 101 Jr. has a removable cast iron bottom on the bellhousing. steve
Hi Steve, thanks for the info. The engine is an F162 Continental. You had helped me out previously in a thread when I was trying to troubleshoot getting it started. I'll have a look at it again and see if the bottom comes off. Seemed to be the bell housing was a single piece.

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