1951 utu rim


I just bought my first moline to restore a 51 utu one of my rims is rusted out and am wondering if there are other rims that will fit or is a moline wheel a moline wheel and help will greatly help
I have been told that an m might fit or even some jd rims. I called our local tractor salvage yard today and the guy didn't even give me a chance to try to say that other rims might fit all I got was we don't have any moline stuff anymore
You can buy new rims from that M.E. Miller tire in Ohio. there not all that expensive and truck freight right to your door.
If you have the cast wheel centers then a rim off a Farmall H or M, Case Tractors,John Deeres will fit as long as its the ones with the large hump in the middle. Not the ones that have 2 small humps in the middle, they came off the newer tractors in the mid to late 50's. The ones you need are called deepwells.
I am not trying to knock them they used to be very nice and helpful but after two unpleasant experiences it won't hurt my feelings if I don't do business with them again. Thanks everyone for the help hopefully I can track one down and once I get the engine unstuck get her going again.

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