1952 Ford 8n Won’t Crank After Use


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I have a Ford 1952 8N, 6V, side distributor that I was using with a bush hog. After cutting most of my grass, it stopped and couldn’t get it to crank/turn over.

checked the fuel tank, bowl, & carb. Rebuilt carb and tried a new carb. Tractor is getting fuel but no spark/tractor won’t turn over. So I moved to the ignition side.Firstly, checked/charged up my battery to where it showed 7V. Next checked/replaced the starter solenoid, got good voltage to the ignition button, and checked/replaced the ignition coil. Still won’t turn over.

Finally, just to see if I have some spark on the tractor, we attempted to jump it off. It immediately turned over/cranked however the moment I take my thumb off the ignition button, it dies. At a loss on where to go next.
I have a Ford 1952 8N, 6V, side distributor that I was using with a bush hog. After cutting most of my grass, it stopped and couldn’t get it to crank/turn over.

checked the fuel tank, bowl, & carb. Rebuilt carb and tried a new carb. Tractor is getting fuel but no spark/tractor won’t turn over. So I moved to the ignition side.Firstly, checked/charged up my battery to where it showed 7V. Next checked/replaced the starter solenoid, got good voltage to the ignition button, and checked/replaced the ignition coil. Still won’t turn over.

Finally, just to see if I have some spark on the tractor, we attempted to jump it off. It immediately turned over/cranked however the moment I take my thumb off the ignition button, it dies. At a loss on where to go next.
Turn over as in the engine doesn't rotate when you hit the starter?? Using as term such as turn over to say it will not run you need to make sure we understand what your terms are.

No spark can be a number of things. Bad ignition switch or bad or slipped points or your coil is going bad.
One need to learn to trouble shoot before part etc.
#1 check for a good blue/white spark at the center wire of the distributor cap and at all 4 plug wires that jumps a 1/4 inch gap or more. If you have no spark try a hot wire from the non ground side of the battery to the ignition side of the coil if you have spark then your problem is from the coil back to the battery
Turn over as in the engine doesn't rotate when you hit the starter?? Using as term such as turn over to say it will not run you need to make sure we understand what your terms are.

No spark can be a number of things. Bad ignition switch or bad or slipped points or your coil is going bad.
One need to learn to trouble shoot before part etc.
#1 check for a good blue/white spark at the center wire of the distributor cap and at all 4 plug wires that jumps a 1/4 inch gap or more. If you have no spark try a hot wire from the non ground side of the battery to the ignition side of the coil if you have spark then your problem is from the coil back to the battery
Hey @old , thanks for the response. To clarify, by “won’t turn over” is as you mentioned, engine does not rotate. Pushing the starter does nothing even though fuel is not the issue.

I replaced the solenoid after doing several tests from another thread on here. Carb was replaced to just confirm it was not a fuel issue (throwing a known good Carb was a quicker test than rebuilding). Coil replaced as resistance seemed high (reading close to 4 ohms when new was at 2). All parts I had laying around in my garage.

I will test out as you suggested though after take a quick Look at the distributor cap contacts, I noticed the rotor clip was broken (attached picture).

Could this be the culprit of why the tractor will not start on its own or stay running after jumping?


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"engine does not rotate", meaning when you push the starter button absolutely nothing happens? Are all your battery cable and ground connections clean, corrosion free, and tight? Might want to double check all of those.
@Rich'sToys , yes all battery clean, corrosion free, etc. battery was removed to charge in my garage and reinstalled since the tractor is stuck in my cow pasture 😂.
Hey @old , thanks for the response. To clarify, by “won’t turn over” is as you mentioned, engine does not rotate. Pushing the starter does nothing even though fuel is not the issue.

I replaced the solenoid after doing several tests from another thread on here. Carb was replaced to just confirm it was not a fuel issue (throwing a known good Carb was a quicker test than rebuilding). Coil replaced as resistance seemed high (reading close to 4 ohms when new was at 2). All parts I had laying around in my garage.

I will test out as you suggested though after take a quick Look at the distributor cap contacts, I noticed the rotor clip was broken (attached picture).

Could this be the culprit of why the tractor will not start on its own or stay running after jumping?
It’s a strong possibility and those rotors aren’t cheap either. Just make sure it’s fully seated on the shaft before starting the engine.
If the engine will not rotate when you push the starter button, everything you have done is useless. None of those things will help. You have to go through the starting system. Starter, solenoid, battery cables, battery. the wire going from the solenoid to the starter button, ect. Load test the battery. Yesterday my 14K generator wouldn't start. I put the tester on it and it showed 14.1 volts. You would think that it was good but, when I flipped the switch to put a load on it, the needle dropped to almost nothing. It had a full surface charge but, no reserve. Redoing points, coil and carb will do nothing to make the engine rotate
Tyler, in my opinion you‘re still confusing people with your “turn over” phrase. To most of us not “ turning over” means the engine is completely dead and does not rotate when you push the starter button. As already mentioned fuel would have nothing to do with that. I think that your engine actually does rotate, or “turn over“ but does not start. I’m basing this on your comment made when you “jumped it off”. You said: we attempted to jump it off. It immediately turned over/cranked however the moment I take my thumb off the ignition button, it dies. And then later you asked: Could this be the culprit of why the tractor will not start on its own or stay running after jumping? So, when you ”jumped it off” did the engine actually “turn over” and start? Based on your comment it sounds like it did turn over/crank and start. Not turning over=engine completely dead, fan does not rotate when you push the starter button. Turning over but not starting=engine rotates, fan blades turn but engine does not start when the starter button is pushed. Clarify your wording and we can help you.
If the starter motor that is electrical and powered by the battery makes no noise and does not turn the motor and fan blade when you activate the starter button you need to do this.
MAKE SURE THE GEAR SHIFT IS IN NEUTRAL, NOT IN A GEAR. Short circuit, cross over, jumper, or some way connect the small terminal on the solenoid momentarily to ground as in some metal part of the tractor. This should engage your solenoid to power the starter and turn the engine, report back with results.

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