1953 Farmall Super M HYDRAULICS

If your not using the larger hydraulic pump to operate anything it takes minimal power to operate it so the cam gears are not in danger. Here is a link to a page in the Surplus Center catalog who you have been instructed to check with by others. Surplus Center Lincoln NE Call them and ask them what you need. I would say the $94 at the middle right is probably it. There is also a possibility that you also need a relief valve as shown at the lower right

If your not using the larger hydraulic pump to operate anything it takes minimal power to operate it so the cam gears are not in danger. Here is a link to a page in the Surplus Center catalog who you have been instructed to check with by others. Surplus Center Lincoln NE Call them and ask them what you need. I would say the $94 at the middle right is probably it. There is also a possibility that you also need a relief valve as shown at the lower right.
Hello used red MN ON THE page you showed on here--I got the RDRS150-16 as to the recommendation of Surplus Center. It is in the picture on the left when you click on the Surplus Center info. you shared with me. QUESTION----On this flow divider/ priority valve there is an adjustment on the lower right. see pic. I called SC, but can't figure out what they are saying. I guess once the dial indicator is set then this adjustment firms it up. I don't understand how it works. Any ideas on your part?????? The adjustment seems to be turned all the way in.
Hello used red MN ON THE page you showed on here--I got the RDRS150-16 as to the recommendation of Surplus Center. It is in the picture on the left when you click on the Surplus Center info. you shared with me. QUESTION----On this flow divider/ priority valve there is an adjustment on the lower right. see pic. I called SC, but can't figure out what they are saying. I guess once the dial indicator is set then this adjustment firms it up. I don't understand how it works. Any ideas on your part?????? The adjustment seems to be turned all the way in.
I was shooting in the dark, recommending that valve. I was hoping Surplus Center would ask what all your system was made of and offer the correct item. The flow to that will need to come out of the Lift-all box under the gas tank that would normally supply a cylinder and the lever would have to be lock into the lift position. Otherwise I don’t believe you would have any pressure relief connected as Jim N shows in his drawing. Maybe the priority valve with the pressure relief 9-1458-3 for $112 would have been a better choice. Again, I was hoping SC would direct you. As for the flow adjustment, if I was using that valve with the system warmed up I would adjust it out, assuming out drops the amount of priority flow. Then continue to adjust it out until it lost power assist or essentially quit working correctly. Then roughly judging by how many turns it took to get to that point I would screw it back in a little beyond the point it still worked properly if that makes sense.
On this tractor I ONLY want to run a power steering pump---The steering motor will be in the steering shaft. That hyd. box under the gas tank---can I just use that as the hyd. oil holding tank???? Splice into those two lines coming from the hyd. pump in front of the distributor...The steering motor I have also came with its own small hyd. tank. Maybe use both hyd. oil tanks???? Thanks for any help.....
BACK TO THE POWER STEERING----I got the RDRS 150-16 with relief. That is the one Surplus Center recommended. It is the Prince Priority Valve. Have it set at 3 gallon per minute. The steering works really good--pleased. There is an adjustment for pressure on the lower right... QUESTION-----I put a pressure gauge after the priority Valve in the line going to the steering motor.. It shows NO PRESSURE.....Not sure what to do. Loking for advice.. thanks
BACK TO THE POWER STEERING----I got the RDRS 150-16 with relief. That is the one Surplus Center recommended. It is the Prince Priority Valve. Have it set at 3 gallon per minute. The steering works really good--pleased. There is an adjustment for pressure on the lower right... QUESTION-----I put a pressure gauge after the priority Valve in the line going to the steering motor.. It shows NO PRESSURE.....Not sure what to do. Loking for advice.. thanks
You said the steering works really good, and you're pleased.

So what to do is... NOTHING!

You have the non-priority port returning to the hydraulic tank, right?

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