1954 F 600 Ford Fender Brackets

Ok, I made a big mistake by order fender skins for my Ford 600 and they do not have the brackets. I wanted to see if anyone had a detail drawing of the brackets and dimensions. The fenders that is currently on the tractor are after market with the brackets already welded in. And I wanted to install the correct fenders but now I need a detail on the brackets for the fab shop to make.

Any help out there would be Greatly Appreciated.

OLD Ford!
You should be able to drill the welds out and use the brackets that you have. I used carriage bolts. I dipped them in acid for a little while first so that paint would stick, and cut slight corners in the holes in the skins so that the carriage bolts would hold.
Speaking of that, we stopped at a yard sale just outside of Cave City Kentucky two months ago. They had a 53 F600, factory steel flatbed, one owner, always been kept inside, 730 actual one owner miles! The original title and bill of sale were in frames in the seat. The seat was absolutely perfect, not a crack or a trace of wear. The rubber on the pedals even looked just like new. They wanted $7500 for it. I had to get out of there or I was going to end up looking for a trucker to haul it home for me. That thing would have looked great in parades with an Oliver sitting on it!
Speaking of that, we stopped at a yard sale just outside of Cave City Kentucky two months ago. They had a 53 F600, factory steel flatbed, one owner, always been kept inside, 730 actual one owner miles! The original title and bill of sale were in frames in the seat. The seat was absolutely perfect, not a crack or a trace of wear. The rubber on the pedals even looked just like new. They wanted $7500 for it. I had to get out of there or I was going to end up looking for a trucker to haul it home for me. That thing would have looked great in parades with an Oliver sitting on it!
What do you think the circumstance for that would be? I mean 730 miles seams impossible. Wouldn't it be worth much more than that?
What do you think the circumstance for that would be? I mean 730 miles seams impossible. Wouldn't it be worth much more than that?
Estate find maybe? What kind of price do you put on something one of a kind like that? If it had been a pickup, I think it'd be worth more for sure, but a truck that size isn't exactly car show material. Sure would have been nice for parades.
I re-worked a Dexta last winter. It needed new fenders and foot panels. All of the sheet metal was close, but none of it exactly fit. It seems that drilling, adjusting and refabricating is part of the picture now. We would love to see a picture of your 600.
That is very hard to say. It would be close because I don't think that the Jube fenders are as deeply dished as the 600. You better compare side by side.

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