1957 Powermaster, won't start normally

This morning, after what has seemed an eternity, the new solenoid finally arrived. I wasted no time in installing it and at the same time was also dreading the circumstances should something nasty occur. Well, upon turning the key and hitting the start button, she immediately started! I think that several months have been added back onto my life. Praise the Lord! After getting everything back together (i.e., air/oil filter, air tube), I took her out for a quick test drive. It was a great feeling. So, all of your help and guidance were greatly appreciated, and, in the future, I will always ensure that if I ever have to replace that solenoid - it will be the correct one.
This morning, after what has seemed an eternity, the new solenoid finally arrived. I wasted no time in installing it and at the same time was also dreading the circumstances should something nasty occur. Well, upon turning the key and hitting the start button, she immediately started! I think that several months have been added back onto my life. Praise the Lord! After getting everything back together (i.e., air/oil filter, air tube), I took her out for a quick test drive. It was a great feeling. So, all of your help and guidance were greatly appreciated, and, in the future, I will always ensure that if I ever have to replace that solenoid - it will be the correct one.
Good, thanks for the update.

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