1958 Cub oil filter sludge!


Well-known Member
Good evening: I am hoping a Cub expert will respond to my situation. Today, I decided to change oil in my 1958 Lo-Boy. Drained oil pan just fine. Went to drain oil filter housing, remover cap from bottom of filter drain tube, black sludge came out. It was actually stringy like a viscous sort of black jello. Well, if that glop might also be inside the filter housing area, how can I clean it properly? The old filter itself is just oily, no black glop. Comments, please!
Dennis M. in W. Tenn.
You are probably the first person to open the filter housing drain in a long time. I have three
cubs from 59 to 74 and experienced the same thing with each. Next time you change the oil you
wont have an issue, on one it took me two oil changes.
Good evening, stevo944: Thank you for the reply. I noted the hole in the bottom of the main bolt (that holds the filter top cover) seemed stopped up. I used a 1/6 drill bit in my fingers and cleaned it out, both the vertical hole and the side-facing hole. My old filter seems to only have oil on it, not gooey residue. How can I be sure the bottom of the housing is free of glop/goo? The hood sits pretty close to the area I want to look into.
My fear is that if the metering hole in the bottom of the bolt was full of goo, then the oil passageway that the bolt screws into may be full of goo. Thanks for any advice. BTW, I do have a copy of the I&T IH50 shop manual.
Dennis M. in W. Tenn.

This post was edited by DMartin9N-2N on 09/11/2023 at 08:11 pm.
The only way you're going to get rid of all the goo is to remove the engine from the tractor, strip it down, and send it off to an engine shop to have it run through their washing machine.

Don't worry about the goo being in "metering passages" as the oil pressure will push it right out. The detergent in the new oil will dissolve and mix any loose goo with the oil and it will come out with the next oil change. You can do another oil change after a few hours.
Good morning: Thanks for the encouraging words, Barny; I will do as you suggest, assemble the filter, etc. as normal, and let the new oil do its thing.
Dennis M. in W. Tenn.
I would probably just pull the filter house wash it out reassemble with a new filter fill up with new oil run the tail off it for a few days then change the oil again and will most likely be fine after that. If not looking good with oil change in the few days change oil and filter and runn till next oil change interval and then change again in a few days after that if it is still looking bad.
Good afternoon, cat guy: On this cub, the filter housing is not removable, the oil filter element sits in a sort of pocket that is part of the engine block. A normal looking round cover is held down by one large bolt, which also has the metering hole in it like many others. The big nuisance here is that I cannot look down inside the pocket where the filter element is going to go into, since it is under the hood.
Dennis M. in W. Tenn.
i did an oil and filter on a w9 over the summer and it had the “goop“ in the base of the filter housing too. wiped as much as i could out, then used a pump up garden sprayer with kerosene in it to flush it out. oil drain plug removed. you can use diesel fuel also,

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