1958 Ford 851 Sediment Bowl part number?


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Hello, I'm trying to replace my sediment bowl. The inlet was stripped during repairs. Every one that I order has too large of an orifice for the fuel line inlet. The one that I took off appears to be 1/8-ish hole, the parts that I keep receiving look to be 3/8 or bigger. The flared end on the fuel line will not mate up.
I just ordered one from here.... same thing. Most places say to verify part number, but the old sediment bowl assembly has no number.
Can someone advise me on what the part number should be? Thank you very much...
Sediment Bowl.jpg
Hello, I'm trying to replace my sediment bowl. The inlet was stripped during repairs. Every one that I order has too large of an orifice for the fuel line inlet. The one that I took off appears to be 1/8-ish hole, the parts that I keep receiving look to be 3/8 or bigger. The flared end on the fuel line will not mate up.
I just ordered one from here.... same thing. Most places say to verify part number, but the old sediment bowl assembly has no number.
Can someone advise me on what the part number should be? Thank you very much...View attachment 71504
If I remember right this site has them but I have not gone and look to be sure
Hello, I'm trying to replace my sediment bowl. The inlet was stripped during repairs. Every one that I order has too large of an orifice for the fuel line inlet. The one that I took off appears to be 1/8-ish hole, the parts that I keep receiving look to be 3/8 or bigger. The flared end on the fuel line will not mate up.
I just ordered one from here.... same thing. Most places say to verify part number, but the old sediment bowl assembly has no number.
Can someone advise me on what the part number should be? Thank you very much...View attachment 71504
They make adapters for such problems so you can make it work
Hello, I'm trying to replace my sediment bowl. The inlet was stripped during repairs. Every one that I order has too large of an orifice for the fuel line inlet. The one that I took off appears to be 1/8-ish hole, the parts that I keep receiving look to be 3/8 or bigger. The flared end on the fuel line will not mate up.
I just ordered one from here.... same thing. Most places say to verify part number, but the old sediment bowl assembly has no number.
Can someone advise me on what the part number should be? Thank you very much...View attachment 71504
I would say 311272, what you received YT shows as NCA9155D. New Holland still lists 311272, below is a link to Messicks. Select Fuel Systems category and Fuel Tank and related parts. Of course NH is expensive but you can shop.
Messicks Ford 850


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