1959 JetStar


I just bought a 1959 JetStar last weekend. After removing the loader and cleaning it up a bit this past sunday I glanced at the serial number. 16500003... I think that made it a good investment. The tractor has very straight sheet metal and a good front end. The tires are cracked between the lugs. PTO doesnt seem to quit turning and the lever doesnt have much snap. Best is the transmission. It doesnt stay in fourth gear. after removing the cover, it appears that the whole lower counter shaft has moved forward, thus when 4th slides, it cant fully engage more than the edge of the gear, because it hits the lower countershaft gear. Anyone ever seen anything like it before? I was also wondering if anyone knows of any of the old girl's close relatives? Number 9 is in the coresponder.
Can't say as I can relate to that transmission problem, just be aware that MM liked snap rings and most of the gears in there are held in place by snap ring. I had a 445 that was missing a snap ring and the gear moved around and couldn't be reached or held. The PTO spinning is normal. If the snap doesn't occur you may have to adjust and that requires a bunch of work, not one of the engineer's finest moments.
Since you have one of the first Jets. I have a question for you. I bought a Jet at a consignment sale a while back and serial plates are missing. Why I don't have any idea. Maybe it is a HOT tractor. Anyway it has been repainted with yellow tin and brown belly ( Like a Jet II), with Jet Star III decals. I'm not sure what I have. I know the 1960 Jets were all Dyna Brown. But I have been told that the very early ones mighjt have some yellow paint on them. I cannot find a trace of brown on the tin. But I have not taken it apart yet. I know it is very hard to tell a Jet from a JetII, but this tractor does not have the steps below the platforms.
Delbert, its interesting that you say your jet star has no lower step. This one did not have those either. I figured they were removed because they were useless with the loader brackets where they were, and they made new ones off the sides of the platform. I already put a set of lower steps on off a parts tractor I had out back. My Jetstar is all Brown except the wheels. Where a person's foot always rubbed getting on and off there is yellow showing through. Which made me think it was maybe a yellow primer underneath. One thing that struck my curiosity is #9 in the most rescent issue of the corresponder. It appears that it has the chrome hood crest much like on the 4 stars. Mine does not have that and there are no holes for one. Has anyone ever seen ones like that before? Thanks for the help. Chris
I just was paging through the parts book for Jetstar/ 4 star/ 4 star super and noticed the Jetstar on the cover has no extra step either and it is not listed in the book. So I suppose they never came with them. I'm thinking I'll keep them on to make climbing on and off easier.
The only difference that I can find so far is the fact of step or no step between a Jet and JetII. And the color of course. Someone told me they thought the tie rod ends were heavier or different but, there was a Jet and JetII side by side at Albert City show, and I could see no difference. With no serial # and having been repainted I have a problem knowing what I have. Since you have Number 3 and you say it is Dyna Brown, the fellow that said some early ones were yellow, that story doesen't hold up either.
As far as the hood ornament I'm sure it was added. Loren Book has a Jet with a Chevy hood ornament, It came to him that way. He calls it a Jet Super.
Thanks for your replies
If anyone else has any more positive proof on this subject, please add your thoughts.
I dont have any positive proof, and not sure if the 206 motors were stamped like the later ones, but my 670 super has a date in the casting of the blocks when they were cast. Also if the carburetor hasnt been changed there is usually a date on the tag as well....but I bet you allready knew this. Now Im curious about yours....
Wow, was reading your post about your Jet being serial 1650003 and want to inform you that 1650004 is for sale for $1500. in todays (11/7/12) photo ads by Dan in Lapeer Michigan which is about 10mi north of me. My Jet is serial 16502320 which I believe is a 62. It is yellow with a brown chassis. They are a great tractor...Fred
My '62 jetstar had no step either. (I added some after I got it) Remember a jetstar was a no-frills tractor.

The big difference between my jetstar and my '63 jet2 is the throttle. its a friction cone on the jetstar and a notched quadrant on the jet2.

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