1960, 540 case surging at high Idle, started running hot


I have been using this backhoe for a couple weeks. It has been getting worse and worse for a couple days as far as surging. it died yesterday fuel gage said it had gas, so I looked at the points, they were burnt so I replaced the points, condenser, rotor and cap. I started it and it ran rough then died. I decided to clean the fuel strainer as it looked dirty, I took strainer bowl off it had a 1/4 inch of rust in it, and no screen in it no fuel came out of it, I cleaned the unit and realized it was out of gas. I put gas in it and it started right up it Idled nice but at high idle it surged. If I increased the idle slowly it did not surg until a pretty high idle, then it would start surging again. I started using the backhoe with it still surging. I used it for a little while and noticed it was getting hot. It has been consistently running at 180 degrees. It got to 210 so I stopped using it and let it cool down, at Idle it cooled down. Can a lean condition cause it to run hot? I ordered a carb kit I figure it has rust in it because of no screen in the fuel strainer. Anyone have any suggestions, am I on the right track?
Can a lean condition cause it to run hot?
Yes, hopefully your carb kit solves your problem. When you have it apart poke through every hole and passage you can find with a wire that fits. Squirt carb cleaner in it then blast with compressed air, repeat twice more for good measure and that is not a joke.
Yes, hopefully your carb kit solves your problem. When you have it apart poke through every hole and passage you can find with a wire that fits. Squirt carb cleaner in it then blast with compressed air, repeat twice more for good measure and that is not a joke.
thank you, I needed some encouragement.

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