1961 Model 203 axle lock


New User
I just bought a 61 Massey Ferguson 203 and have very little experience operating it.
I have several questions, the most important is about the axle lock. The first day I used it was in the snow. Several times I got stuck and pushed on the axle lock lever as I call it (?). It is located on the right side and I can get to it with my heel. I did this a couple of times (while under power)and it worked. Both wheels would begin to spin/drive. It made a grind/clunk noise as if it was not fully engaging, then stopped working... I later figured out how to brake the spinning wheel and was able to continue working. The lever now appears to be lower than it was.

Could it be misadjusted? I was stepping on it pretty hard.
Did I break something? Hopefully just a shear pin...

Depending on the type of diff lock pedal that you have, it is possible that the pedal may have turned on the shaft. If you have this type you should see a pinch bolt in the pedal.
If it is the fixed pedal type then it is possible that you have broken something in the mechanism. The diff lock is effectively a dog clutch and it is possible to break the lugs off normally on the sliding half.
Jack one rear wheel clear of the ground and have an assistant engage the pedal while you turn the wheel. You will soon see if it is working. If it is, make sure that you have full engagement in pedal travel.

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