1965 Ford 3000 Diesel Won't Start

Check voltage at B terminal on the voltage regulator, if you have voltage there but not at the key switch check the harness plug near the front of the fuel tank
One of the pins in the plug on my 4000SU was corroded into
Thank you! Are the terminals on the VR labeled, A, B, C, etc., or does B stand for something like Battery?
Best I can tell from my diagrams is that the fuse(s) only relate to instruments and lighting and are not involved in start & run. What think?
I didn't run out the schematic to see what it feeds, just that there was one and could be the culprit....easy fix. As a side note, as a designer, I find it odd that one would design a wiring harness with no means of protecting the wiring from overloads that could melt the insulation and just make a big mess to clean up after a malfunction.....single wire ok, but not a harness.
B does stand for battery in this case
There are 2 wires connected to the B terminals on the regulator, one is the main power wire coming from the battery stud on the starter solenoid, the other wire goes to the key switch
This is why it’s said if you have voltage at the regulators B terminals you should have power at the key switch
Thank you! Are the terminals on the VR labeled, A, B, C, etc., or does B stand for something like Battery?
E = Earth, UK English for ground, battery (-).
D = Dynamo, UK English for armature (means also DC-generator), the output from generator.
WL= Warning Lamp, charging warning light in instrument cluster.
F = Field, controls the generator's field windings, and by that, the output from the armature to D.
B = Battery (+).

You will find some more information in the attached PDF-files.


  • Ford_2000_3000_4000_5000_series_wiring.pdf
    153.9 KB · Views: 30
  • 1000_wiring_C.pdf
    1.3 MB · Views: 26
Sooooo, I have 12.6 volts at the VR B terminal (I assume it's the B terminal. Its the only one I can read any current at. Its the terminal farthest to the left if sitting in the seat). Wire harness connectors/connections appear to be fine. Still cannot read any voltage on any of the ignition switch terminals when the key is turned to the start position...or any other position for that matter.
Looks like the wire from the B terminal of the VR to the ignition switch was not connected. Wires were all bundled and wrapped so it took a minute to unwrap and trace the wire. Engine turning over as it should now with the ignition key/switch.

I don't think I would have figured it out on my own...y'all saved me having to pay someone to get it running for us.

Thank you all for your help!
Looks like the wire from the B terminal of the VR to the ignition switch was not connected. Wires were all bundled and wrapped so it took a minute to unwrap and trace the wire. Engine turning over as it should now with the ignition key/switch.

I don't think I would have figured it out on my own...y'all saved me having to pay someone to get it running for us.

Thank you all for your help!
I called it!

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