1966 Farmall 706 282 Diesel Won"t Start

Just put 2 new batteries on my Farmall 706 and now when I attempt to start the solenoid will click but it wont turn the starter, is there a quick fix or do i need a new starter/ solenoid?
Yes, I havent done that just yet, still new to this tractor.
It sounds like a bad connection at the batteries or ground if it quit after replacement. I would make sure they are very clean. Then try jumping. My last resort would be removing the starter. Then I would have it tested before replacing.
Hello BeefFarmer, welcome to YT! I am going to go along with barnyard double check the connections, did you clean them before putting them on the new batteries? Clean bright lead surface on the terminal ID is optimal, scrape the inside with a knife if needed. What Tom is saying can also be true, new batteries may need charged.
I Have not cleaned them, I will be putting the batteries on charge and then cleaning all the connections. I hope I didn't buy a headache.
WE use the Grp 31's with stud tops no problems with cleaning and no over tightened clamps to deal with as for pulling that starter is sucks in under the tank like they are to get to the bolts. I would check jumping the starter at the solenoid if it works trhen you know the switches or connections to them could be bad .
I Have not cleaned them, I will be putting the batteries on charge and then cleaning all the connections. I hope I didn't buy a headache.
282s are pretty reliable. Make sure you keep the radiator clear and clean, air filters clean, and use glowplugs when starting. They will not start if you don't use glowplugs. And when they start, if it's running rough hit the glowplugs for a couple seconds to get it running smooth. I'd say about 10 seconds in the summer, a minute in the winter, 30 seconds to a minute in cooler but not freezing weather.
I assume it's two 6v batteries. And I assume the new ones got installed in series. If so, sounds like bad connections. I've seen new posts with a sort of black corrosion over them almost like paint that needs sanding off.

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