1967 Ford 4000 diesel independent PTO


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I have a few questions. I have a 67 Ford 4000 diesel with independent PTO and a 8 speed transmission.
I just acquired this and whenever the tractor is started and in gear, the PTO shaft will turn continuously, slow. Is this due to the PTO brake? If so, what is an estimate of that repair?

I am also attaching some pictures of levers that are under my seat because I am not sure what they do.


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I've got the same tractor with the same problem. I believe you are right in thinking it's the pto brake, I've had my 4000 less than a year the pto works as it should otherwise so I'm running as is for the time being. I used a rotary mower on it quite a bit last winter and the pto worked fine otherwise. I don't have any idea what it costs to repair haven't even checked on the price of the parts yet. As far as the levers under your seat the 2 long ones are the handles for the remote hyds. out the back and the short one pointing up is the selector for either position control or draft control for the 3 pt.
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No, the PTO continuously turning is usually due to the clutch plates being warped and not disengaging. A weak brake band will allow the symptoms to show up sooner, but the problem is with the clutch plates.
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No, the PTO continuously turning is usually due to the clutch plates being warped and not disengaging. A weak brake band will allow the symptoms to show up sooner, but the problem is with the clutch plates.
Not necessarily. The clutch plates could be just fine, and instead it just might have a worn out brake pad #22 here: https://www.mycnhstore.com/us/en/ne...56875BD6/34F6724F-E6BE-E111-9FCE-005056875BD6

Those cheesy little pads never worked well even when they were new.
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Shutting a brush hog off without first idling the engine down is the easiest way to wear out that little pawl brake on the pto
That little brake pad is about a 1/2” square and is trying to stop all the rotating inertia of the mower
Replaced the brake and hub support in my 68 model in 2000, the clutches are still original
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I have a few questions. I have a 67 Ford 4000 diesel with independent PTO and a 8 speed transmission.
I just acquired this and whenever the tractor is started and in gear, the PTO shaft will turn continuously, slow. Is this due to the PTO brake? If so, what is an estimate of that repair?

I am also attaching some pictures of levers that are under my seat because I am not sure what they do.
Start the tractor and leave the pto out of gear. Use a 2x4 as a lever between the ground or the 3 point lift arms and pry against the pto shaft to stop it from spinning. If it is easy to stop the problem is most likely your pto brake. That brake pad is just a cheesy little thing - see the square, bronze colored area in the photo - and not designed to stop a high inertia implement like a bush hog. That will wear them out fast. Always drop your mower into some thick stuff when you shut it off.
Replacing that brake pad requires a split between the transmission and rear end so most guys just live with it spinning.


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