1967 IH 424 Diesel possibly needs a new Fuel Pump


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Not sure if its a fuel problem or a pump problem. Tractor will die when bush hogging. Will restart if I sit a couple minutes and wait but will die after a few seconds, I can also loosen the 2 injector type connections on top of the pump and it will start, tighten connections and go back to bush hogging. Tractor may run 5 minutes and may run 20 minutes before this happens again. I drained the fuel tank(diesel was approximately 8 months old) changed fuel filter and drove tractor back to camp in 4H which was approximately 2,5 miles with no problems. Left tractor running at a low idle for 45 minutes and it never died. Hoping it was just a fuel problem but I've also been told that a fuel pump can act this way if its going out.
Not sure if its a fuel problem or a pump problem. Tractor will die when bush hogging. Will restart if I sit a couple minutes and wait but will die after a few seconds, I can also loosen the 2 injector type connections on top of the pump and it will start, tighten connections and go back to bush hogging. Tractor may run 5 minutes and may run 20 minutes before this happens again. I drained the fuel tank(diesel was approximately 8 months old) changed fuel filter and drove tractor back to camp in 4H which was approximately 2,5 miles with no problems. Left tractor running at a low idle for 45 minutes and it never died. Hoping it was just a fuel problem but I've also been told that a fuel pump can act this way if its going out.
Make sure there is good return flow to the tank from the pump. if weak or none, there is developing pump issues. Jim
Not sure if its a fuel problem or a pump problem. Tractor will die when bush hogging. Will restart if I sit a couple minutes and wait but will die after a few seconds, I can also loosen the 2 injector type connections on top of the pump and it will start, tighten connections and go back to bush hogging. Tractor may run 5 minutes and may run 20 minutes before this happens again. I drained the fuel tank(diesel was approximately 8 months old) changed fuel filter and drove tractor back to camp in 4H which was approximately 2,5 miles with no problems. Left tractor running at a low idle for 45 minutes and it never died. Hoping it was just a fuel problem but I've also been told that a fuel pump can act this way if its going out.
I also have a "424" diesel, it doesn't have a "fuel pump", or a "fuel lift pump", it has a CAV fuel injection pump.

IMHE, based on the symptoms you posted it's far more likely that there's a restriction or air intrusion in the fuel supply system to the I.P. than an I.P. issue.
Thanks for the responses. Very much appreciated.
Perkins engines with CAV DPA injection pumps similar to what you have, there's a constant bleed orifice fitting on top of a filter base that bleeds any trapped air back to the tank return line. When that fitting orifice is plugged they have the EXACT same trouble you are having. Look on the filter base top, if there's a straight fitting, OR banjo bolts fitting with an orifice, make sure the small hole is not plugged. It SHOULD bleed a small amount of fuel all the time back to the tank. When it plugs ANY trapped air WILL go to the injection pump and cause engine shut down. Bleeding the air gets engine running again for a short time IF the orifice is still plugged. I don't recall if your make/model has it, but it's worth a look. Also, if the feed/supply pump is bad that will cause the same trouble too.

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