1970 David brown 990 selectomatic pto gears


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Looking for some help. I am trying to replace the gears in the PTO housing on my David brown tractor. Trying to figure out how to get the PTO shaft out. Also looking for replacement gears and new PTO shaft seal. I have a parts PTO housing from 1969 David Brown 880. Some of the gears and shifter parts will work but it appears from 1969 to 1970 they changed the way you remove the PTO shaft. Any help is appreciated!


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Have you checked the service manual for instructions on how to remove? I have never removed them so I can't provide any guidance. I probably have the gears you are looking for though! Because I have a couple of PTOs (from 990 models) that I kept before the rest of the tractor went to scrap. Message me for a link to the manual if you do not already have it.
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