1972 Massey Ferguson Perkins 3 cyl gas


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Hi, I am wanting to install a block heater in my 1972 Massey 135 gasser. I have purchased the part from Massey dealer and cannot figure out where it is suppose to go. On left side of motor half way up block I have a drain nozzle same as on the bottom of radiator is that where it goes? If so I have wrong parts.

Any help would be greatly appreciated, winter is coming.

Is it a freeze plug type heater?

If so you remove an existing freeze plug and install your heater
in its place.

If the engine has more than one freeze plug you may want to ask
the dealer which location to use - on some engines it does
matter where it goes.
Few gasoline engines need block heaters but installation in a Perkins 3 cylinder gasser would be in the same location as that in a Perkins 3 cylinder diesel, i.e., front freeze plug on right side of engine.


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