1973 Case 580B oil capacity??


Okay, so at the risk of sounding stupid:

I just recently acquired a new to me 580B backhoe. Previous owned said he last changed oil/ filter 4 years ago. I purchased 5 quarts of oil, WIX 51452 oil filter and got set up. I checked dip stick, measured full prior to my changing. (didn't ask previous owner how many quarts he added)

Drained oil pan, changed filter, refilled with 5 quarts of the AMSOIL 15W40 full synthetic (overkill I guess) and ran her for awhile and checked the dipstick, showing add quart? Let sit quite a while, still showing add a quart.... not leaking anywhere and yes I added all 5 quarts I checked and rechecked LOL.

Manual says 5 quarts with filter change. Question is, maybe the WIX oil filter is larger capacity than the OEM one (my parts manual calls the OEM filter A37189 which I can't find any info on.

Anyhow, do I go with the dip stick and add a quart, or leave it at the 5 quarts like the manual says.... I'm leaning towards adding a 6th quart and calling it a day.

Interesting. My manual says 5 quarts with filter, but I'm guessing the WIX is larger then OEM filter. All good, thanks for responding.
A key word in the 580B manual I have is capacities are listed as "Approximate". To me that means put 5 quarts in, start and run it to fill the filter, then shut it down and top of as needed. Depending on how quickly it drains back after running you might show a bit over full once it sets overnight. Also, being slightly off level can throw dipstick readings off a bit. I always treat the printed capacities as a guide to the minimum needed, the dipstick/level plug is the final check.

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