1975 Ford 3550 key on power

I guess there are a few different options on that. I use a small bearing separator myself. It seems to work well enough for me. It clamps under the steering wheel rim then a couple long 3/8 bolts thread into that. An H bar puller on top. Others have mentioned pullers they've made but I never got that far. I've pulled a lot steering wheels with it.
1975. I wonder how many times it's been off. Zero in the last 25 years
I guess there are a few different options on that. I use a small bearing separator myself. It seems to work well enough for me. It clamps under the steering wheel rim then a couple long 3/8 bolts thread into that. An H bar puller on top. Others have mentioned pullers they've made but I never got that far. I've pulled a lot steering wheels with it.
Thank you very much

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