1975 MF 165 Diesel

Good morning. I recently purchased a 1975 MF 165 diesel and have a few questions about operating a few things.

How do I operate the PTO properly. I've put the lever down all the way and nothing happens but putting it back just a wee bit, I hear grinding and then it starts. This is being done with no implement on the shaft. When I hook up my snowblower driveline shaft onto the PTO and move the handle slightly backward, it grinds and doesn't want to kick on at all.

Any help would be great. Thanks.
Good morning. I recently purchased a 1975 MF 165 diesel and have a few questions about operating a few things.

How do I operate the PTO properly. I've put the lever down all the way and nothing happens but putting it back just a wee bit, I hear grinding and then it starts. This is being done with no implement on the shaft. When I hook up my snowblower driveline shaft onto the PTO and move the handle slightly backward, it grinds and doesn't want to kick on at all.

Any help would be great. Thanks.
Welcome to the Forums. While Massey Ferguson is an AGCO brand this site has a forum for Massey Harris and Massey Fergusons a bit further down the Manufacturers list from this forum. Your questions on your 165 will likely get more views and responses on that forum than this one.

Your description of the PTO response to moving the lever, sounds like your tractor likely has a live PTO controlled by a two-stage clutch. Did you have the clutch pedal pushed fully down when you tried to engage the PTO lever?

You should acquire an Operator's manual for your 165 right away, and study it. I do not know of any free online manuals for the MF165. There is a MF135 Operator's manual you can download, and a fair bit of the info in it will be similar for your 165. You could review that manual while you are waiting for an actual 165 Operator's Manual to arrive. This site sells manuals and you can generally find good used original manuals on eBay which are generally better quality graphics than many of the reprints sold. Here is a link to the MF135 manual.

MF135 Operator's Manual

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