1977 ford supercab


Will retire this spring
Hope to get my 1977 supercabs going .I bought one new


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That is A lot of truck!
But it looks pretty straight. I like that vintage . New enough to have comfort, old enough to be simple to work on.
That is A lot of truck!
But it looks pretty straight. I like that vintage . New enough to have comfort, old enough to be simple to work on.
The one I bought new has been beat hard. Used as a farm truck. The other is much better shape and won't take much to get road worthy. The bad thing is Wisconsin salt not good. Hard to find body parts or a box not all ate up from salt. A buddy joked and said, you should of been looking 20 years ago. Time Flys. Hope to get them going to pass onto grandsons.
If you can find a good box from 87 - 96 ish
it's possible to put new aftermarket 73-79 sides on it
The floor and inner sides are close enough , I think some work needs to be done by the tailgate.
I live in Michigan. I Know all about rust !

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