As the title states, I have an older 197x Ford tractor, either 2000 model or there abouts, not mine, so information is currently limited on exact year and model. I've watched a few YouTube videos in assisting with troubleshooting and most of the videos pertaining to the engine and fuel system are very close to what I have. So, this tractor was parked over the winter and I'm trying to get it started, it spins slow but does spin. Tractor drove fine prior to parking. I've checked to insure I can get fuel up I a point by pumping the lever on the pump and loosening the screw below the three lines at the metal lines, the ones that go to the top on the engine, and fuel comes out every time I pump it. Ive insured no air is in he lines. I cannot get fuel to come out where this three lines attach. Is there something else I need to be looking for? I would guess, but probably wrong, that if I can pump fuel manually then it would come out of those ports, but I could be wrong. Also, no fuel comes out of those lines when spinning the tractor n key. What else can I check and are there pictures or something to reference? I'm it a mechanic, this is my dad's old tractor annim simply trying to help him get it going and moved.