1980 Ford F700 370 engine to 1995 Ford 429 engine


Well-known Member
Looking to swap a 1980 370 to a 1995 Ford 429, is there anything to watch out for? I assume just pull off most of the wires so I can get spark
I didn't look around too much but did come across this which dates back to 2010 from 460Ford.com.
Assuming the 429 and the 460 have the same style crankshaft, there might be a little glitch to overcome.


"The F250 460 crankshaft has a rear flange is machined differently than the 370 crankshaft. For one, the centering lip on the 460 crankshaft is shorter in height, and this feature--in it's taller form--is used to accomodat/support the rollerized pilot for the input shaft of the Clark 5-speed.

Both the 370's D9TE-BB block and the 460's D9TE-AB block should accept either of the two crankshafts in question, and should also accommodate all the big truck engine accessories, but I can't say for sure that all the big truck accessories will be a "plug and play" marriage with the light truck pulleys (you cannot use the big truck crankshaft parts on the 460 crank because the snouts are different diameters).

I think that C9's on a 460 shortblock will make too much compression for the dump truck. There's a reason the 370 is such a low compression engine which runs at low rpms. We are currently in the planning stages for a commercial truck engine which must pull 15,000 pounds of payload and it will be a 500-inch engine with D3VE heads and 8:1 compression ratio with some special chamber work to minimize the possibility of detonation. You should be planning a low-to-mid rpm torque monster not a 500 hp screamer."

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