2-105 tire sizes


Has anyone ever put 20.8-38’s on a 105? How about 11.00-16’s ? This tractor will not be pulled hard day in day out so I am not concerned about tearing it up. Just wondering if it will look like too much rubber
I think the 18.4 38,s on mine look a little on the small side for the tractor. They will often break loose pulling a 10 foot one way disc, so I plan to put duals on it for fall tillage. If I was buying new rubber I would also consider 20.8's, but then the duals I have for it would be too small. The 1850 in pic beside the 2-105 has a new set of 18.4x38 firestone radials on it which I think suit the tractor fine, so it only makes sense that a 2-105 would be well deserving of 20.8's being as they have fair bit more grunt


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The one I just bought has 34” rubber on it which really look too small. I have enough tires around here that I can go 18.4-38’s with duals or 20.8’s and duals.
I believe 20.8 x 38's were an option for that tractor. I know I've seen some with them on before. We put a set on our 2-105 also.
If there's room under the fenders I'd think that's all that matters. I've got 16.9 38 and 9.5L 15s on mine.
Might want to think about it, I put 18.4 x 38 on a 4020 that I was pulling 5-16's. It had 18.4x34. Had to go down a gear. I sized my equipment to 5th....James

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