2-row Corn Picker


Just Curious but do any of you guys have a side discharge corn picker? There is one out in our woods and all the others ive seen come straight out the back. Id tell you more about it but i dont know anymore than it is 2 row and says Huskor on the side. Where would i find the serial tag? Thanks for any info about this machine.
Most of the earlier pickers had a side discharge. They would pull a wagon along side with another hitch. I would imagine your picker is probably 1940's vintage. Is it (was it) painted or was it all galvanized?
Yes, all the tin work is galvanized and painted over. I had a feeling it would be quite old because it has spoked rims and my dad says he remembers it from when he was a kid. Do you have any idea where i could find a serial tag on this? Thanks for giving me a time period of when this machine was used. Merry Christmas.
Steiger, my dad bought a new MM picker in 1949 or 1950 and it was a rear discharge and spoked wheels. That's about all I can tell ya. We had a ton of them in our neck of the woods. Merry Christmas.Jim
Not sure where to have you look for a SN tag. The later ones are on the back of the husking unit, I would imagine it would be on the mainframe somewhere, probably near the main gearbox.
An old farmer told me of losing his hands in one and how they had pick 6 rows to open the field. Yeh it is a pre 1950s picker that much i do know.

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