2018 Mahindra 6075 "check engine" diagnostics

I posted the main question up in the general Tractor/Farm Talk forum here:

I have an intermittent issue with our 6075; and the only indication that I get is "check engine"
what is the code cant fix it on no info
Didn't read the code. It turned out to be a simple issue. I thought the fuel filter maintenance interval was 500 hours, but it's actually 250 hours. I had let my fuel filter go too long. I replaced my fuel filter... code cleared... engine is developing full power again.

I still have a minor coolant leak at cold startup at the front of the engine. I suspect the water pump, but it's hard to trace the drip up the front of the engine.

In the process, when I looked in the manual at service intervals and such, I found out that the Positive Crankcase Ventilation (PCV) oil separator has a replaceable element that is supposed to be serviced every 1500 hours. I asked our dealer about it, and Mahindra's system only lists the entire oil separator at 800 dollars. BUT... if you look in the manual, on page 76, where it describes the oil separator maintenance... it says that the oil separator is a ProVent 150. Turns out, you can get an element for that on Amazon for 30 or 50 bucks, depending on which company you order from. This wasn't my issue currently, but the engine is at 1600 hours; so I should replace that. It protects the turbo intake from oil in the crankcase vapors.

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