202/35 hydraulic pump


Well-known Member
I have decided to start on the process of rebuilding the internal hydraulic pump I acquired for my 202. Some of you may remember I removed the old one as it broke into a million pieces likely from water and freezing who knows when. I got a pump from a former member here and decided it would be best to rebuild it before installing it to avoid some stress down the road.
I see a few different kits are available for rebuild, I'm wondering which one I might need. The pump I have is one with out a filter. I will post some pictures later on. I am also wondering if anyone has any tips or advice for me before I tear into the pump.
Ok so it took me over a week to get to it but I finally got the pump taken apart and cleaned today and now I need some opinions.
The main shaft has some pitting which I don't imagine will be a huge problem. The pistons are scored a fair bit and of course the bore in which they travel is correspondingly scored as well. Here are some pictures. I'm wondering what all comes in the rebuild kits.

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