202 Hyd.Pump


Well-known Member
I have a replacement internal hydraulic pump to replace the one that exploded into a million (give or take a few) pieces probably due to freezing. The one I got used is from another 202 of unknown origin from a former member of this forum who I have not seen here in quite a while.
My question is, how do I properly identify which rebuild kit I need? There are two listed in the parts section on this site and more on other parts sites I have looked at. I will dig the pump out later today and snap some pictures and look for any identifying numbers etc.
From my info the one that you should need has 22.5mm dia piston rings. Later ones had 25mm rings. Original pistons did not have rings so make sure whether you do have pistons with ring grooves. If you buy the full kit you should have piston yokes with it.
DavidP, South Wales

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