202 Work Bull - Value and Where to find backhoe


This is the Work Bull 202 that I am looking at possibly purchasing. From what I have found online at this site and others is that $3000.00 would be a fair price for this tractor. It is an early 1960's model, maybe 1963? How hard is it to find the backhoes for these Work Bulls? I would like to have that also.

Thanks for the help.
1952 JI Case VAC-13

That tractor looks really good. I say that without knowing how it runs. I think it would be hard to find a backhoe for it but you never know. Check with tractor or construction equipment wreckers. Dave
nice old work bull.
try Wengers of myerstown pa. I have had good luck with them and they are great to deal with. they specialize in old tractors asnd also construction equipment. good luck
Wow - that machine looks museum quality

proper install for a backhoe (IMHO) uses quick-attach backhoe mount that attaches to lower rear of loader frame, fits like a glove

by now, any units that would fit have had many years of use, you can spend a lot of hard earned cash trying to get an old wornout backhoe back to spec, also need the loader valve plug to give you power beyond, might want to re-think adding the hoe
Do you think the tractor is worth $2500 - $3000? Was it the Model 185 backhoe that fit the Work Bull 202?
you cannot judge a tractors value from a picture, how often the oil was changed, stuff like that increases value to me, as a general rule if the rest of the guys stuff looks that good the machine itself is likely to be good

but, looks to be about $1,000 worth of tires on it, good rubber on the hoses worth something, power steering that works adds value

what I can see of the bucket looks straight but has the single tilt cylinder, later model would have twin cylinders or even lever mechanism to speed up the tilt

you have to make up your own mind
Thank you for the input. I talked with the owner again and now that I have done some research to see what it was worth, he is thinking he would like to get $5500 for it! He bought it for around $3000 5 or 6 years ago and had the hydraulics gone through, new tires and wheels, and power steering repaired. It sounds like he overpaid for it back then!
He now realizes that he probably has more invested than it is worth, but he said he can hold on to it until he finds a buyer willing to pay.
I told him thanks and good luck!

Thanks again everyone.


That's too bad. There are a few different ways to look at it. Maybe he overpaid but it sounds like he did go over it very carefully and did all the major work it needed. You could easily spend $2500 (or much more) if you find one that has had none of the work done that he has.
I paid $5000 for mine and it looks like the one you were looking at is in much better shape than mine but mine has a backhoe and the Davis 102 loader with dual tilt cylinders, the one in your picture looks like a 99. It runs well and it is all functional (except for the power steering). Even still, I could put another $2-2.5k into it to make it that much nicer. I guess it depends on what you are planning to do with it, what your price range is and your mechanical aptitude. I realized that for a few thousand more I could have bought something newer but newer often means more complicated and more expensive to fix. Any repairs this tractor may need are well within my comfort level.
Would I pay $5500 for the one in the picture, probably not without a backhoe.........besides, it's much too pretty for me to bang around the yard with. :lol:
That paint job alone is worth $1000 - I paid$700 for a repaint 7 years ago on my 202 and the new rubber is worth $1000

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