205 indust. - small O-ring? - Photo Added


This would be on a 205 industrial, ...the smallest o-ring that either fits around the screw and presses against the center stud, or the o-ring fits around the center stud at the top, then when tighted, seals between the stud and top housing the stud goes up into...if the first example, I can't get the stud to bottom out.

This filter is for a glass bowl CAV filter, primary.

If the oring goes around the screw and presses at the top of the center stud, DavidP said tighten only to finger tight...but then this screw leaks up top...it's driving me nuts.

Another choice would be to ditch the glass bowl filter and run a secondary filter which is the bowl-less type...currently I have the primary as the bowl filter and a secondary bowless...replacing the primary with a bowl-less may work...but can anyone confirm? Thanks.

OK, when I ordered my wix filter, they included three of the 11/10/6 gaskets, one number 3, and a small o-ring that looks like it will fit over the center screw (#1) or over the center stud, number 9...but in this photo, no small oring is present.

So, what is this small oring for?

And, if my filter leaks under the head of the center screw (#1) how can I fix this?


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