205 industrial Nose Cone bolting


I think that big heavy front end is called the nose cone...anyway, I removed mine from the front axle yesterday and noticed 5 holes in the bottom where it looks like five bolts are supposed to bolt. However, it looks like some spacers are needed between the nose cone base and the axle mount casing because there is some space there.

My nose cone was mounted only with the two bolts on the front lower area, just below the radiator AND the four bolts that hold the loader frame on, two per side.

Can anyone confirm with me if these bottom five bolts are supposed to be there, or are they for an extra attachement and not needed. Also if spacers are supposed to be used, about what size are they...I'd like to mount this thing back properly. Funny is it has been working for years without these bottom five bolts. TIA

Edit: I just looked up the nose cone on agco and they call it a front frame assembly or grill support thing under the sheet metal category...but it doesn't indicate how this frame assembly is supposed to mount to the front axle support assembly...whether it be just the two bolts below the radiator, or these plus the five bolts underneath. Anyway, I hope someone can help me...thanks.
I can have a look at my 202 and maybe take a picture or two sometime over the weekend. I have a hood to put on mine but I have to take the backhoe off to get it in the shop. I'll see what I can do.
OK, I got both the front axle assembly and front frame assemble cleaned up today and there are not 5 bolt holes, but 4...there is a hole in the middle bottom of the front axle assemble but it it not threaded like the other four are and it has no access hole through the front frame assembly, so it looks like we can diregard that middle hole...plus it is a bit small diameater like 5/8 and it has much thinner material in the cast of the front axle piece for much less support...so I doubt it is to be used.

So there are four bolt holes in the front axle assemble with access holes through the front frame piece from the bottom. I cleaned the dirt out of the holes and wire brushed the threads and was able to turn a 3/4" course thread bolt in each one...so it looks like that is the size bolt and thread type. But the question still remains are these necessary, or are they only needed for an implement?

Plus it looks like there is about 1/2" - 1" space between the axle cast and front frame so are there supposed to be spacers in there?

My guess is these bolts are supposed to help support the loader, because if I mount the loader frame on the sides of the front frame, there are only two 9/16" fine threaded bolts near the radiator supporting the front frame and loader weight. In the rear, there are four 5/8" bolts holding the loader frame to the rear axle...but I would think only two 9/16" bolt holding the front loader is not enough. These two 9/16" bolts are fine treaded and only grade 5.

I'm really suprised I haven't broken these yet.

Anybody know about this?
I hope these help, sorry I didn't get them posted sooner.
We had a guy in this weekend brushing so we were busy.
did you notice in the first pic at the bottom there are 2 long bolts that come in from the front . then back at the motor there are 2 on each side to mount the front .
Hey Thanks for the pics. YEs, those bolts I've always had attached...but the bolts I was wondering about are from the bottom of the tractor...you'll have lay on your back under the front axel and you'll see 4 holes...I thought there were five, but there are only 4...I went ahead and bought 4 3/4" course grade 8 bolts with lock washers and mounted them...they are 2" long.

Regarding the first pic and those long bolts, they are like 10 1/2" 5/8" bolts I think...they bolt the axle casting to the engine, there are six bolts that bolt the axle casting to the engine and those two long one are the lower bolts...the thing I was asking about is the front assembly...that big heavy thing the loader frame is mounted too with the upper two bolts on each side, and the two 9/16" bolts in the pics down near the base of the radiator on the sides...one per side.

The two upper bolts on each side in the pics hold each side loader frame arm to that front assembly, and the front assembly mounts to the axle casting by the two 9/16" bolts...BUT it would be good if you could check to make sure you have the four 3/4" bolt support from the bottom...otherwise you are holding the loader and front assembly to the axle mearly with two 9/16" bolts like mine was and I think that is a recipe for disaster. I feel much better getting the additional support from the bottom.
Sounds like you are going about it the right way. I will have to have a look at mine and see. It has been apart many times from the look of it and many of the bolts are different from what I think they should be. That's the trouble with this older stuff, it has always been worked on at some point and not every mechanic is as fussy about where things go as I would be with my own equipment.
I noticed a stress crack in my loader frame over the weekend just forward of where the control valve bolts on, from the top straight down a weld. Might be because of missing or non tightened bolts.

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