20th Annual Jay Peanut Festival, Jay, Florida

Hi all,

I just wanted to let anyone nearby know that this coming weekend is the Jay Peanut Festival just South of Jay, Florida. My dad and I usually display a couple of his tractors there. This year we are taking his Ford 961 and his 8N. The other tractors there belong to the farm's owner. He was formerly the owner of the local John Deere dealer so he has mostly John Deere tractors on display. Some visitors complained about all the green and yellow tractors so he bought some other brands and restored them, too. My dad's tractors are usually the only Fords there and still draw quite a few lookers in that see of green and yellow.


Also, the last Saturday in October is the Old Time Farm Days show in Greenville, Alabama:

"October 31, 2009:
Old Time Farm Day, Greenville, AL. 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM, mule plowing teams, pedal tractor races, boot races, quilting and farm animals, farm tractor display. Demonstrations of blacksmith, gristmill and basket making will transport you to the past. Bring your folding chairs. Located at 2828 Sandcut Road, Greenville, AL - 4 mi. west of I-65
Contact: Carey Thompson (334) 382-2295, Eddie Branum (334) 382-3523 or Ron Warner (334) 382-2571".

My dad and I will also be displaying his Ford 961 and his 8N there. Come if you can!

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