239 diesel poor starting.


Well-known Member
German diesel poor start like starving for fuel. Whether cold or hot needs sniff of ether. Motor was rebuilt while ago. It happened after ran out of fuel. Filter been changed. It has a Cv pump with the bowden control,which I never use. Once running works normal.
Is there any white smoke during cranking when cold? If not, fuel is not reaching the cylinders. You mentioned changing the filters/running out of fuel during this time period; I'm wondering if you made an air leak during this procedure and now have a fuel drain-back problem.
If they are spin-on filters they themselves are not likely the problem, but any lines or bleeders you may have loosened could be... and allowing air to enter during the time the engine is not running.
What is a Bowden control?
A bowden control is type of choke to supply more fuel upon startup. Adjusted bottom lever by width of adjusting nut. Now starts on it's own.

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