2500 deutz allis disc i need a C spring for the cushion gang


does any one have parts or a parts machine for a 2500 deutz allis disc email is great thank you
does any one have parts or a parts machine for a 2500 deutz allis disc email is great thank you
If you can't find one you can weld it then sandwich it between two pieces. I did that on a disk ripper about 8 years ago. Still holding.
Thank you. How thick of metal on the outside Now this is a C shaped spring Thanks
Seems like I used 3/8 top and bottom. They need to be wide enough so you can get a series of bolts along side of them to pull the sandwich tight. Mine were flat springs. I suppose you will have to shape yours to fit the profile of the C. A little tougher but not impossible.
Seems like I used 3/8 top and bottom. They need to be wide enough so you can get a series of bolts along side of them to pull the sandwich tight. Mine were flat springs. I suppose you will have to shape yours to fit the profile of the C. A little tougher but not impossible.
Ok. Thank you I think I will try that if nothing comes up for parts or getting one made If I use it I’ll reply how it goes 😊thank you Alan 830
Ok. Thank you I think I will try that if nothing comes up for parts or getting one made If I use it I’ll reply how it goes 😊thank you Alan 830
If you think about it your spring broke at the place where it must do the most flex. It still needs to do that much flex but you have divided the flex point in half and moved them to each end of your sandwich. Good luck.

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