2555 PTO clutch/brake lines questions

I don't get into these all that often and I can usually figure out what goes where. This time not so much. We have a "no PTO brake" problem. I have the tractor split, and the hi/lo clutch out on the floor. I'm air checking the brake and clutch through the tubes now exposed. There is machined surface on the clutch housing where the hi/lo clutch housing mates up and the oil passages meet for hi, lo, PTO, and PTO brake oil supply. The oil for clutch pressure and brake pressure flows through passages in the hi/lo housing into the two PTO supply tubes. (Items 12 and 14 on the diagram below)

Pressure line (12) is self explanatory. It's brake line (14) that has me all turned around. It meets the back side of the machined casting mentioned earlier and somehow must connect to the hi/lo housing through a drilling in that mounting surface. I guess my question is mostly about item 16 in the drawing. It appears to be the connection between line #14 and the port in the hi/lo housing. It doesn't seem to exist in this tractor. Brake supply line 14 comes up to the back side of flange but has no connection to anything at this point. There is a hole through the flange that matches the supply port in the hi/lo housing, but I see no way for the line (14) to seal to anything. Where does item 16 belong, and how does all this fit together? The hole in the casting is only 5/16" so no room for item 16 to fit through even if were there. I'm lost at this point.

Thanks, but I rather expected about this much response. I have new lines, O rings, and gaskets on order. Should be in probably tomorrow or Thursday. When I go in to pick them up I'll see if they have any shop mechanics old enough to know how they all fit together. Maybe I'll get lucky.
hello,, our JD shop has a 2555 taken apart as we speak, my fellow tech is on this one,, i have been into these many times in 50++ years,, i cannot get your pictures to come up soooo, i cannot help at this point..
I'm attempting to help a man in Colorado via telephone to diagnose his 2550 cab tractor hyd problem. Isn't there a small hyd line on RH side of transmission case that has a history of failing? Or maybe a service bulletin that pertains to that line? I tried to locate that short line in parts catalog but fail e d to do so. Thanks for any assistance.
hello,, our JD shop has a 2555 taken apart as we speak, my fellow tech is on this one,, i have been into these many times in 50++ years,, i cannot get your pictures to come up soooo, i cannot help at this point..
What pictures? All I added was a link to JD parts website showing the lines in question. The part I'm most confused about is an L39853 listed as an oil tube. Just not sure where that goes. I didn't see anything in the tractor that resembled the item in the diagram. Maybe because it's not there, but also could be I just can't see it. I have that problem to contend with now. Haven't heard yet the parts are in, so will call them tomorrow for an update.
hello,, our JD shop has a 2555 taken apart as we speak, my fellow tech is on this one,, i have been into these many times in 50++ years,, i cannot get your pictures to come up soooo, i cannot help at this point..
the JD website for pictures,, or parts display will not come up..
I'm attempting to help a man in Colorado via telephone to diagnose his 2550 cab tractor hyd problem. Isn't there a small hyd line on RH side of transmission case that has a history of failing? Or maybe a service bulletin that pertains to that line? I tried to locate that short line in parts catalog but fail e d to do so. Thanks for any assistance.
hello, Jim, first we need to find out what features he has,, plain 8 speed,, with live pto,, or independent pto,, or with hi-lo,, or direction reverser,, etc.. then i can zero in on past failures of this model..
According to tractor owner his tractor has plain 8 speed, hyd ind pto, no hi-lo or reverser, ind valve for FEL with pressure attached to rear of PCV & return oil routed to ported filter cover.

According to tractor owner hyd's still stop operating with FEL control valve disconnected from tractor.

It had the hyd filter changed, hyd oil suction screen cleaned, different front pump, different pressure control valve all performed before I started conversing with the tractor owner.

I located info concerning adding a JD kit that I was searching for on another forum but I have no idea if that's this tractors problem. https://www.greentractortalk.com/threads/2550-no-hyd-pressure.240707/?post_id=4232770#post-4232770
hello,, i am looking at the parts diagram for the 2550 trans. pump,, can you get the tractor serial # ,, as there is 2 versions of the oil pipes inside the trans. if he has tractor below # 473483 there was an update to the newer tractor oil line and bracket.

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