285 PTO brake


Well-known Member
How does a guy get at the PTO brake on a 285? The manual is 15 minutes away at the farm with the tractor, and was just wondering what it takes. The PTO spins for a while at start up, worse when colder out. Fine once warm.

We've had the dealer fix it in the past, but it seems as of late they've become incompetent in fixing anything with a few years (decades) on it, and I'm always finding loose bolts when we get it back.

Donovan from Wisconsin
(quoted from post at 22:05:04 05/06/12) PTO brake access requires three point lift cover removal, not a simple job.
We've got a cherry picker and plenty of tools, just trying to figure out what it'll take to do and how long.can't take the tractor down in the middle of the season......

The pto brake seems to be a weak point on this model as we've had it replaced already twice. Of course thats over the thirty years we've owned it. First time it caught on moms glove and she almost lost her hand. We don't mess around now we make sure to fix it before it gets that bad.

Donovan from Wisconsin
The IPTO brake unit can be accessed through the RH side cover. For easier access it is advisable to remove the footplate. Remove any pipework if fitted. Remove the outer nut on the test point and remove the cover. Inside you will see the two bolts that hold the IPTO brake piston housing to the main body. Remove the bolts and withdraw the housing. There is a very small O ring between the two....don't lose it! The latest brake pads have a grit-type substance on them for better efficiency. Replace the housing and tighten both bolts to 5 lb.ft (yes correct!)
Refit the cover etc.
DavidP, South Wales
HI Dave, have a question about 285 model PTO system. Did later models use 300 style PTO brake as I have only seen brake on drum like dad's 180 IPTO. Your picture is a brake I have never seen on a 285, maybe a late SN change? Thanks, Rich.

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