290 Hydraulic pump


Well guys my mechanic told me that the hydraulic pump is bad on my tractor and would cost about 3500.00 to repair. Is this a fair and realistic estimate? Could I do this myself considering I'm skilled with a wrench but a rookie with tractors? Would anyone in SoCal want some beer, laughs, maybe some cash to come and help me with this?
Hi, I'll be on the next plane over if you can meet me at the airport!!!!!!!!!
There is nothing complicated in replacing the pump if you are reasonably skilled and have some basic workshop equipment the main item being a lifting or engine hoist (assume you don't have a cab fitted). Oh, and a good workshop manual.
As I understand you are basing the diagnosis on your mechanic's word and are no further into it at this stage. It is possible that there may be metal swarf present and that may have found its way into the aux pump if fitted.
Parts costs to one side the labour for removal of the cover, not splitting the tractor, pump r/r and cleaning should be in the region of 2 to 2 1/2 days assuming that there is no other equipment to remove etc. If you can get access to the special tools that would be better. We are here to help you along if you get stuck at any time.

Come on over David!!!!!!!!! You could experience the SoCal lifestyle!!! :p Well I have an engine hoist, a 300pc mechanics tool set, a whole shed full of my Grandfather's old tools, with the problem being only he knew where anything was at, a nice concrete area under a shed, car jack stands, a few big wood blocks, lights, and an I&T Shop Service manual. As for help my wife used to be an import street racer, so she has wrench time like myself, but she's small and studying to be a nurse, so time is limited. I'm pretty good with a wrench and can read manuals pretty well, so this could happen. If I decide to go into this do you have any advice in terms of safety and shortcuts are concerned?

Let me take a step back first though David so you can get a feel for the issue. The 3pt lift would no longer move up or down. My mechanic took the tractor to his shop and said it was the pressure switch on the right hand side close to the seat. He had that and some other things rebuilt by Massey Ferguson in Ontario, California. Well with light throttle the arms move all the way up and down with ease as long as nothing is on them. However, you hook up a disc or even a five foot brush cutter and the arms won't move up an inch unless you have the tractor revving at at least 2000RPM's, which is ridiculous. After seeing this my mechanic automatically said it was the pump. Okay, what's the deal?

^^UPPPPPPPPPPP just in case David or someone else has some input in regards to the issue at hand.

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