3 point arms only raise while driving?


A while back I test drove a diesel MF40, and the lift arms would only raise while rolling forward. Come to a stop and the lift arms would fall regardless of engine speed. Seller said that was normal for that tractor. Needless to say I didn't buy it. Today I just read an online post where someone else said the same thing, that the MF40 is made that way.
I have a line on another MF 40 for $800, just needs gas tank repair, carb rebuild. It has the manual shuttle shift. I noticed the lift arms on it are chained in the up position. Please tell me the 3 point arms will raise while sitting still, I can't believe they would not make a 3PH system this way. If so, how would you run a post hole drill?
If the tractor is equipped with the instant reverse transmission,
then the 3 point pump only works when the transmission is
engaged. If there is also a PTO, then it also will only turn when
the transmission is engaged (the pedal pushed down in either
forward or reverse) and the shaft will change direction of rotation
depending on whether the transmission is engaged in forward or
reverse. If it"s the manual shift trans (with a foot operated
clutch), it should be no problem if working right. In any event the
clutch still has to be engaged so that the pump drive shaft
rotates. The 3 point is probably very worn out if the lift linkage
drops immediately with no other weight on it, when the pump
stops pumping. These are 40+ year old tractors and industrials
take lots of abuse.
could it be you are pressing down on the clutch pedal all the way which releases the 2 stage clutch? this will kill power to the 3 pt. if it has a 2 stage when you lift the clutch pedal 2 or so inchs from the bottom the 3 pt ingages and lifts, just a thought.
That's good news, thanks for the answers. I bought it today, turns out this one is the manual reverse with a standard clutch. Sounds like the PTO and lift should work more or less like a regular tractor. How would I use a post hole drill with this tractor? If you push the clutch in to stop the drill you would not be able to raise the drill out of the hole?
The only way to lift the drill out of the ground without it turning is to shut the PTO off first, however you're better to raise and lower the drill a few times when drilling so the drill doesn't get stuck or auger itself too deep. This will also help to clean the hole out better. On a PTO auger, there is no way to reverse the bit like on a hyd. auger. If you get a bit stuck in sticky clay, it can a real chore to get it out even if you can reverse it.

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