3 point hitch’s hydraulic lifting power is not quit strong


Anybody can help me to fix the problem.
I have Massey Ferguson 30 Industrial Tractor. It has Perkin diesel engine and instant reversal transmission.
The problem is that rear 3 point hitch’s hydraulic lifting power is not quit strong enough. It is ok to lift the scraper and 5’ rotary mower but small side 3 point backhoe which is about 2000lb
What I supposed to start to resolve this problem?
Any comment will be appreciated.
What's the capacity of the hitch? Is it designed to lift 2000 lbs? If it is, then perhaps the lift cylinder is leaking or a relief valve is damaged or stuck open and not allowing max pressure in the cylinder.
did some checking and your 30 has a operating weight of 4225 lbs so now you want to put 2000 lb on the back it will be like the tail waging the dog
(quoted from post at 23:08:40 05/15/09) did some checking and your 30 has a operating weight of 4225 lbs so now you want to put 2000 lb on the back it will be like the tail waging the dog
Thank you for comment.
Now time to find out what is problem. Where is relief valve? Is it right under the seat? Is it easy to reach and clean?
Any comment will be appreciated.
Thank you JKK
looks like you don't get it YOUR 30 WILL NOT LIFT 2000LBS.you have no problem other then your tractor is to small
Reading your predicament and noticed several replys indicating you have a TO30 confused with a MF30 Industrial Tractor. Two different birds. My MF 30 book indicates a rear lift capacity of 3232Lbs. for a MF20D turfmaster, so your 30 should lift every bit of that. Would suggest getting the book on the beast. Still available to the left under manuals. Good luck.
i have two MF-30 Ind. and no way in h--- will they lift 2000lbs they only weight 4225.also have a 30C that will with a max of 3400lbs

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