3-point lift arms will not go down TO 35

I recently installed a new hydraulic pump on my new TO35. I tried to follow the instructions in the manual on the lever adjustment but never could get the levers to do
as it said in the manual. Attached are pictures of the lever and valve when the 3 pt is up. Are there any adjustments that can be made
to get the arms to lower with the position control lever? Or do I have to start over and remove the top cover again? Thanks for any help with the issue.


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I recently installed a new hydraulic pump on my new TO35. I tried to follow the instructions in the manual on the lever adjustment but never could get the levers to do
as it said in the manual. Attached are pictures of the lever and valve when the 3 pt is up. Are there any adjustments that can be made
to get the arms to lower with the position control lever? Or do I have to start over and remove the top cover again? Thanks for any help with the issue.
Hello......Try moving the small control around, it may help.......Ed

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