3 pt disc mowers, how hard are they on the lift.?

Unless you try to put too big a disc mower on the tractor, not bad at all. That 4610 should play with that mower.


That mower looks like about the same size as we used to mount on a DB 885 which was 43 HP. It was a bit of a load for that tractor although the 885 was I'm sure a little lighter than the 4610. Some one broke part of the lift on that tractor but he was making turns in the center of the field way too fast and it got to flopping so it was way more than normal stress, so you should be good.
Most also do have a break-away feature (I got a CaseIH MDX91, 7domes and run it comfortably with a JD 4020 LP.)where when you hit a stump, rock, it will swing backwards to prevent damage to the mower. I can imagine that it also might activate during an abusive left turn(mower to the right of tractor).....travel speed will have a lot to do with it, also make sure you got good sway bars (if your tractor features them) to take some of the right/left sway out of your movements.
Just checked TD... what 4610 do you have,2wd, 4wd,diesel, gas, regular, SU, H, or LCG, latter being a mower version (=best??)
I figure 9-10 Hp at the pto plus reserve.. got that but very little if any reserve... If you're ground is fairly level, you still should have no problem. but if it's hilly,or otherwise difficult, it may be pushing it. Best if you could try that mower out, at different speeds, before you buy, even if you just cut dead stuff this time of year.
Just rambling. Ralph.

You will be fine.... 4610 is 52 PTO HP and will play with that mower.

We looked at the MF 1327, it is a wee bit lighter than the New Holland HM235 (5 disc) we ended up with. I'm running the NH on a CIH 495 at 42 PTO HP (2wd) and no issues on the hitch and the tractor plays with the mower.

When you are mowing the bulk of the weight of the mower rides on the ground anyways, at least with the NH. I would not worry about the hitch if you are sensible and use the extra check chain supplied to help spread the load.
The Massey Ferguseon can be bought new at $6100.00 that is why it appeals to me. I have had a NH488, so I am going to a smaller cut but hope to have easier cutting and less clogs. Just making grass hay , no clover or alfalfa and I have a tedder, so hope I don't miss the conditioning rolls.
They can be heavy. I have a neighbor that used a 3 pt disc mower a lot, and it wore the heavy side tire on the tractor a lot more. I think 5 discs work out to about 7 ft. I think your tractor should pull it, but in some conditions it will work hard.

Sounds like a decent price on the MF.

We ended up getting the NH quite a bit cheaper than the MF, mainly because the 1327 had to ordered in for the next year while the NH dealer had the HM235 on the lot and was eager to move it end of season.

I wouldn't worry about conditioning rolls...back in 2010 I cut a field of new seeded clover, about 2 foot high and square baled it less than 24 hours later and it was DRY. The right weather and a tedder make the biggest difference.

Clogging is a non issue unless you drive too fast in heavy crop and bog the RPM's down.

You will hate the sickle machine after running a disc....
Ahh Kuhn, a cat's meow.... If I would have had a lot more money, I would have loved to get on instead of a CIH MDX91 (and I do love the CIH!), or a Vermeer, with triple blades!
Just jealous, Sh.S. ...lol
(quoted from post at 02:30:52 01/08/12) or a Vermeer, with triple blades!

My Vermeer 7030 only has 2 blades per cutting head. My neighbor has a Vicon with 3 blades per cutting head. IMHO that just means the blades cost 50% more to replace because I can't tell that the Vicon cuts any better than the Vermeer.
Jim, I think you are right, it could be Vicon that has 3 blades. Went to the disk mowers at Vermeer and didn't see anything about the 3 blades, just the quick exchange clip feature (looks really handy!) My bad, DavidL. I did find another gray hair this morning, and I am going to blame it!! LOL
Jim, the only thing I can see for the 3 blades is a more balanced rotation, and better (by that I mean ability to handle "thicker" material) cutting, since the forward distance traveled after first blade's cut is less when the 2nd blade arrives which has a little less to cut or can handle thicker/harder to cut/tougher material than on a 2 blade design all else being equal such as blade tip speed, sharpness, length of blade, etc.. I did not account for any overlap from neighboring domes' blades...
Did a quick look to see if I can find some Vicon literature, nope, will look later tonite. Perhaps there's a Vicon owner on here, or dealer? Unfortunately, I threw all my sales brochures away after the purchase.... sure would have come in handy to see what the official reason(s) for the 3 blade design is...
Now I'm thinking that a 3 blade design may also influence the strength/design of the gear system....
Hmmm, I better stop rambling, my new gray hair tells me to....... Ralph.
You shouldnt have trouble using it, but when you lower it, dont stop halfway down because it really does put you're lift arms in a bind. We have a CIH 8 footer that really took it's toll on a 4100 Ford.The tractor had plenty of power and weight but the liftarms where weak link.

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