300 Farmall power steering update


Friday I received my new torque motor and the new manifold for the hydraulic hose to replace the broken pot metal one. So I went to the farm today and the motor and everything went back together in less than two hours. Boy does this new unit work good!!! I am glad I did not take the suggestions of just putting a front seal kit in my old motor. My unit was a 101D and the one I replaced it with is a 207, several improved models after mine. It has a lot more power when turning and is much quicker to steer with.

Also the manifold I received is a machined steel block that will NOT break from tightening the hoses up enough so they won't leak.

For those who asked where I bought the items from, it was Jeff at "The Emblem Guy". I would highly recommend him and his products!! He does not have a web site but is on Facebook. So to find him you have to search for his store on Facebook. I am posting pictures of the repaired tractor. Notice on the left side picture the square block attached to the motor and the hoses attached to it. That is the new manifold used to attach the hoses to the motor.


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Looks nice. IF interested for future information if you want to read those tags in the future before painting over them if you just smear a bit of grease on them the new paint will wipe right off with the grease and they look like new with easy to read. Works for lights tags anything you don't want to paint and not be able to read or not be able to get the paint off of. Found that out 40 years ago when I was working for a guy that painted his tractors and semi trailers and that was how he did it grease was pretty cheap and easy to just smear a light coat on easier than taping off a lot of things with tape or paper.
I have blue painters tape on it. Just forgot to peel it off. That is a good idea. Could use vasoline and that would be real easy to remove.

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