3020 Hydraulic Issues


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I've got a 3020 that has had weak hydraulics since I got it. Now the loader is essentially unusable as it won't lift a load. The steering, brakes and rocker arms all appear to work just fine. I know there are a lot of threads with 3020 hydraulic issues but wondering if I could get some direction on trouble shooting?
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How many hrs of use since hyd filter was changed & hyd oil suction screen located just to the rear hyd filter was checked/cleaned? I suggest to check hyd stand-by pressure which should be 2250-2350 psi. What type hyd valve controls frt end loader(ind or scv)? If independent control valve for FEL is valve designed for 3020 closed center hyd system??
Easy checks; change hydraulic oil filter. Top off hydraulic oil. Put in a pressure gauge in the rear outlet, is pressure up to where it should be? Is the transmission pump feeding hydraulic oil up to the main hydraulic pump? I bet the operating pressure is to low?
Screen Part number 151903 on ASAP It can be cleaned if you have a parts washer and the screen is in good condition.
it takes a 3/4 size extension left side of transmission not too far from transmission oil filter. some older ones might have a square head plug. Its not listed on the ez filter sheets from Deere unfortunately

AR75603 is Deere part number for your big filter. ASAP 110864
Thanks. Yes I've replaced the screen a few years ago but it's definitely on my list to check and clean again. I've got the diesel power shift so it's got two hydraulic filters. Still same part number?
on my 3020 john deere tractor the pto works but have no power steering and no lift on 3 point hitch
I would recommend starting a new thread with your problem and tell us if has a synchro or a power shift transmission, and the serial number.
I would recommend starting a new thread with your problem and tell us if has a synchro or a power shift transmission, and the serial number.
Hello WML, welcome to YT! I second the suggestion to start your own new thread. At the top left click John Deere to the right of Manufacturers. Then you will see the “Post Thread” in the red box to the right, leave it on the “Discussion” tab as in don’t select Question or Poll.
I've got a 3020 that has had weak hydraulics since I got it. Now the loader is essentially unusable as it won't lift a load. The steering, brakes and rocker arms all appear to work just fine. I know there are a lot of threads with 3020 hydraulic issues but wondering if I could get some direction on trouble shooting?
Try the loader with the three point hitch lever in the lowest position.
Is the single hose operation enabled on the SCV the loader plugged into ?
I have never heard anyone say that they regretted plumbing he loader control valves . To a dedicated supply T'd in prior to the SCV and rockshaft valves . Then returning the loader oil to a ported filter cover . Or adding a T to the oil filter supply line and returning loader oil there.

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